Strange times we live in, wouldn’t you agree?
Yet the Bible promises that in the end times we will see strange things indeed.
Isaiah 5:20 says:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
The extreme left is trying to subvert pretty much everything about our country that we love, so when we put this simple declaration on a COFFEE MUG
we had no idea what kind of firestorm we would create.
Our Facebook post went super-viral and folks quickly made this our #1 selling coffee mug of all time.
“I am a Heterosexual, Christian, Anti-Government, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Life, Gun Owning, Politically Incorrect Conservative.
How else can I piss you off today?”
This simple message really seemed to strike a chord with folks 100% fed up with the ridiculous P.C. B.S. being shoved down our throats every day in the mainstream media and on social media from non-thinking people who typically want us to pay for what they are too lazy to work for.
Now, I have to warn you that if you order this mug today
it *might* not make it in time for Christmas morning gift opening, but we will do our very best. We also have to rely on the US Post Office which – this time of year – is very busy. And they sometimes hire less-than-qualified-temporary help as you’ve probably noticed.
That said, this is a great mug for yourself, a friend or someone you want to p!ss off any time of year 🙂
Either way, let’s keep fighting the good fight together!
Merry Christmas!
Creator: IFR 4X Pistol Shooting Accurizer System™
Like our: Facebook Page
P.S. – Order today and we’ll do our best to get this #1 selling coffee mug to you in time for Christmas – just no guarantee on that. Thanks! – Click here: https://
A great Testimony!