Another Benefit Of Victory Garden
In my post last week Building My Lost Book Of Remedies Garden I promised a follow up benefit that would help you understand why a hot tub into garden project was on this site about guns.
Some of you may have been preppers for a long time or maybe you were introduced to the concept back in the Y2K days…

Maybe you want to bury Gold or cash?
Maybe you want to bury an 80% lower receiver?
Maybe you want to bury ammo or an entire firearm? PVC comes in many sizes!

Where Will You Be Hiding Guns?
The first rule to hiding something is making sure it can be found by yourself or heirs when the time comes.
Maybe the second rule is to make sure it’s hidden close enough to be of use?
This second item is where the “garden” comes in.
Having that “victory garden” or as I named it the “Lost Book of Remedies” garden just outside the back door certainly fits the bill for being close by and handy when needed.
Naturally, the more raised bed gardens you have the more someone would have to look if they suspected you were hiding guns or other valuables in there. Yet, one good sized one isn’t a bad start seeing as how few people would suspect to look there or be ambitious enough to start digging.
Fancier Than PVC
If you really want to go fancy, and don’t mind dropping a couple hundred bucks, this nifty device for hiding Gold and other valuables looks like the Mercedes of PVC…

The SierraBase FoxLok is waterproof and re-sealable; just expensive!
PVC can be made water tight with the proper cleaner & glue shown in the top picture. If you choose the screw on cap you’ll have to follow the right procedures as well to make sure you have a good seal.
Without the screw on, make sure your pipe is longer than you need so it can be sawed open without cutting what’s inside.
Tip: Saw far enough from the cap so it can be resealed with a coupling which is cheaper than a cap. Those PVC parts are kind of pricey when you get into 4″, 6″ (or larger?) diameter PVC.
If you are going to cut off a cap and then reuse with another cap remember to start with extra length to the PVC pipe to allow for the loss each time.
Why Are You Hiding Guns?
Let’s not go into why you might be hiding guns in your backyard garden (raised or otherwise – careful with a rototiller or PLOW if your garden is larger and not raised!).
We’ll just assume if you read this far you know why you might need to do that 🙂
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