Facebook Dredges Up Old Posts For Punishment
It pains me to announce that Facebook bullying has finally forced us to shutdown the PistolSnipe VIP Facebook group.
It’s been a great run…
I think we created it back in about 2017, and we’ve had a great time and built awesome online friendships.
Unfortunately, Facebook keeps dredging up old posts and finding ways to punish our personal accounts – putting us in “Facebook Jail” – over popular posts that *shouldn’t* offend anyone. Especially not someone in our group.
Why isn’t Facebook “community” standards a relative guideline based on the actual COMMUNITY???
In the post above, it either is absolutely NOT in violation of any Facebook terms of service or community guidelines –
*** OR ***
it’s simply VERBOTEN to even DISCUSS the Kyle Rittenhouse case, or anything like it.
We are simply FORBIDDEN to even discuss it, let alone explain how the ENTIRE VIDEOS paint a different picture of the truth than what the LEFTIST MEDIA want us to believe.
Do You Agree With Facebook Bullying?
It’s your right to! I think you’d be wrong but you have a right – this is SUPPOSED to be AMERICA.
Yet if you DO…
How do explain this next one?

You may be cool, but you’ll never be Easy Company sipping wine on top of the Eagle’s nest cool.
What’s the matter with that?
Too patriotic???
And remember, Facebook has NO WORKING APPEAL process available to us. Maybe they have something in the fine print that maybe works for big shots; nothing for us.
(Yes I have the screenshots to prove that)

At This Rate I’ll Lose My Personal Facebook Account
Because of all these “infractions”, the Facebook Bullies now put multiple restrictions on my account for ever longer periods of time.
This includes preventing me from:
- Posting to the main PistolSnipe page on Facebook
- Posting to ANY GROUP on FB, including my own neighborhood groups where I live!
Alternatives to Facebook
We’ve all heard about Parler, MeWe and rumors of Trump starting his own social media platform.
I’ve tried them, have you?
The problem is that no one really uses these other platform regularly. Everyone uses Facebook… Maybe if Trump starts one, yet I have my doubts that will ever see the light of day.
Moving Forward
We have an insane investment in the PistolSnipe Facebook Page, so we will try to maintain it as long as we can.
Currently, we are all prohibited from publishing to it (for how long, WE DON’T KNOW – they don’t tell use). Further they have restricted/limited the distribution of the page posts to our more than 300,000 fans for many months now.
That will probably never change.
If you were a member of the PistolSnipe VIP CLUB, we want to thank you for joining us all these years. If not, we’re sad we cannot offer it to you now.
Please continue to follow us where possible, at least on this website we can post / print / talk about whatever we want to.
For now.
It’s bull shit like this that forces me to drop facebook. People need to realize what these companies are doing to basic freedoms.
See you guys on Parler.
What the hell happened to the days where if you didn’t like what somebody posted, you simply scroll past it? Damn, man, grow a set
I’m constantly in fb jail and I’ll continue to be in fb jail because I won’t let them change my opinion. Fk fb is all I can say. We’ve said it all and nothing is going to change with the leftist lunatic freaks. They can pat each others backs all they want but in the end we will win. I also look forward to PDJT platform they’re working on getting up. I think it’s going to happen. Free speech again soon people. When it up it’s going to grow immediately with popularity. I look forward to being able to set libs straight and put them in touch with reality once again without being undermined. Look forward to seeing you all there soon.
God Bless you all and God Bless America 🇺🇸🙏❤
I’ll follow Pistol Snipe where ever you land