Bulletproof Vests – Not Just For Police & Soldiers Anymore
You keep a firearm and a flashlight near your bed, as well you should. For the same reasons, however, maybe you should buy a bulletproof vest to have handy as well.
Home invasions are on the rise and with the next recession – now overdue – more desperate people will likely turn to crime to buy food and pay bills.
Or, maybe the reality is more methheads will need to resort to crime to pay for their habit!
Either way…
Having a bulletproof vest to throw on before you clear your home could save your life – and the ones you are there to protect.
Protecting Yourself So You Can Protect Others
The concern is that someone will force their way into YOUR HOME and threaten the lives and safety of YOUR FAMILY!
Sure, you know the house – advantage you.
The break-in though, or invasion, comes as a complete surprise – possibly when you are fast asleep. Advantage criminal!
You want to have every advantage you possibly can when it comes to any run-in with a criminal, let alone a gunfight!
Technology is a wonderful thing, and we take advantage of it whenever we can…
Some of these same technological gains have taken bulletproof vests – aka body armor – out of the realm of just police departments and the military.
In fact, when many of us were young body armor was literally unknown in the front lines of war! Only with these forever-wars in the desert did parents finally insist their sons & daughters be protected as much as possible…
Often forking over the money to buy the bulletproof vest themselves and ship it to their loved one in the war zone.
3 Reasons To Buy A Bulletproof Vest For Home Defense
They say a gun is like a parachute: you need to acquire it BEFORE you need it.
Body armor falls into that category as well. The last thing you want to do is find yourself in a situation where you wish you had ordered a vest for you and maybe others in your family… weeks ago.
SHTF scenarios fall into that category, don’t they?
Check it out:
- Basic body armor is now inexpensive to buy; $300 is nothing compared to an ER visit with a gunshot wound, let alone your LIFE
- A quality bulletproof vest, capable of stopping most handgun rounds, is easy to throw on when needed and not all that cumbersome to wear
- The felon you find yourself facing in the middle of the night may have come to the same conclusion about buying a bulletproof vest and purchased one for himself
Reread #3 above… I’ll wait
The same reasons you should consider buying a bulletproof vest also apply to criminals.
If the felon you encounter is wearing a vest that will defeat those awesome personal defense rounds in your nightstand gun then you will REALLY be at a disadvantage!
Those who know me know I like to over-deliver…
I promised 3 reasons you might want to buy a bulletproof vest; here’s a BONUS reason:
- Some of these same affordable, not that uncomfortable, new style body armor offerings can also be fairly CONCEALABLE – a big plus if the SHTF scenario does come about and you need to venture out to get supplies
But let’s hope that never happens!
Considering how much we pay for home insurance, never expecting our house to burn down;
How much we pay for car insurance, even for the old truck that mostly sits in the garage;
And the UN-GODLY amount we are now forced at gunpoint to pay for ObamaCare health insurance…
A few hundred bucks seems like a small price to pay to give us a far better chance of surviving and armed confrontation with a bad guy.
The bulletproof vest I like for all the above reasons and scenarios is the innovative one offered by BulletSafe (Interview I did with the owner here).
Good idea!